Special domain procedures

We help you obtain the domain you need: registration of premium domains (due to their high commercial value), management of the purchase of domains already registered (by a third party who wants to sell them) and domain recovery
Premium domain registration from €75/year
  • Intuitive and easy to remember domain for your visitors
  • You will gain a large amount of direct traffic from search engines
  • Generic names that generate great interest and many visits
Management of domains already registered from €150/first year
  • Get the perfect domain even though it is already registered
  • We act as intermediaries with the seller on platforms such as SEDO
  • Avoid the procedures and troubles of having to manage it yourself
from €150
  • Recover your domain and prevent competitors from registering it
  • We take care of everything: backorders, arbitral proceedings and claims
  • Don't worry about monitoring when it is freed
Customised price
  • Helps to prevent identity theft
  • You will have a consistent Internet presence strategy
  • Private registration of domains to prevent anyone from knowing the name of your project
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GreatBienBomMuy Bueno
3.9 / 5 atchezemen Trustpilot

Premium domain registration

What is a Premium Domain?

They are domains that registries have selected because they are short, easy to remember and, usually generic. These characteristics make them very interesting regarding their indexation in search engines, because of the consequent volume of traffic the website that has them could receive. All these elements make them much more expensive. They could however become very popular websites.

Some examples of Premium Domains are: shop.fit or fashion.shop

  • How do we operate with Premium Domains?

    You will not have to worry about anything. We will contact the registry that has registered the premium domain you are interested in and negotiate with them for its purchase.

    Lastly, we will make all the necessary arrangements to transfer the domain to Arsys. Once you obtain the domain, you will benefit from all the advantages of having a domain registered with Arsys and you will be able to pay for the renewal as for a traditional domain.

  • The advantages of having a Premium Domain:

    • You will have a very intuitive domain name for your potential customers to remember.
    • You will benefit from a large volume of direct traffic from search engines.
    • It can be an interesting investment factor if your business specialises in it.

Management of domains already registered

What is the Management of Domains already registered?

The domain that best suits your project might already be registered by a third party. In this case it may be for sale on a second-hand domain trading platform, such as Sedo, which, as Arsys, also belongs to the United Internet Group. A second possibility is that the current owner has not, for the time being, considered selling it. In both cases, we can take care of all the necessary negotiations in order for you to have the domain you are interested in registered.

How do we operate the Management of domains already registered?

If the domain you are interested in is already for sale on Sedo, we will manage the purchase on this secondary market so you don't have to worry about anything. Including any formalities required in the process.

If you are interested in purchasing a domain that is not for sale, we can assist you in negotiating its purchase by establishing an estimate of the domain's value. Moreover, we take care of the negotiation of your purchase directly with the owner or through a broker to guarantee your anonymity.

This service has a price that varies according to the domain chosen for purchase. Once we have secured your domain registration, after the first year, you can pay the usual renewal price for the extension.

The advantages of the Management of domains already registered:

  • You can benefit from the perfect domain for your project even though it is registered already.
  • You will avoid having to go through the procedures and relevant formalities.

Domain Recovery

What is Domain Recovery?

In some cases an oversight can cause us to lose a key domain for our business. We could have failed to renew a strategic domain, for example, leading to it becoming available, enabling a third party to register it. Another oversight can be that we could want to register a domain that, although we have never owned it, can be interesting for the development of our trademark or project.

In both cases, there are different solutions to the problems and a way to obtain the domain. We can advise you on the procedure that suits you best, and take care of the negotiation and purchase from the third party, if necessary.

How do we operate Domain Recovery?

Our 25 years of experience registering domains for our clients has enabled us to find different solutions to recover a domain. The most common solutions are:

  • Backorders. This mechanism enables to launch large-scale requests when the domain is about to expire in order to try to recover it as soon as it becomes available.
  • Arbitral proceedings. If you have a trademark coinciding with a domain name registered by a third party, an arbitral proceeding (UDRP, ADR, DRP...) can be initiated to ensure this domain becomes yours.
  • Claims. Not only the DRP process for .es domains exists, there also is a cancellation process if an irregularity in the domain data can be demonstrated.

The advantages of Domain Recovery:

  • You can get a domain for the protection of your trademark on the Internet.
  • You won't have to go through difficult procedures or keep track of dates.

Launch registration

What is launch registration?

This service is especially designed for projects about to be launched. If you are thinking of creating a new company, trademark, product or service, our experts will advise you in choosing the ideal domain name and extensions for your Internet project. They will also elaborate a strategy to protect your name online.

  • How do we operate launch registration?

    The first step is to carry out a study of your new project in order to offer customised advice and to ensure your new trademark is protected: which domain extensions to register and which protection mechanisms to apply.

    Once we have agreed on the best strategy to follow, we will take care of all the steps and formalities related to the registration of the selected domains or the activation of locking solutions.

  • The advantages of launch registration

    • It helps prevent identity theft because all domains will be registered prior to the trademark’s launch.
    • You will benefit from a consistent Internet presence strategy.
    • You will avoid anyone knowing the name of your project, even if you register the domain beforehand because we have a private domain registry.

Other Domain services you might be interested in

  • Domain corporate Services

    Go one step further in managing and protecting your trademark online with our domain monitoring and blocking services.

    See more

  • Geographical presence Domains

    Go one step further in managing and protecting your trademark online with our domain monitoring and blocking services.

    See more

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GreatBienBomMuy Bueno
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