Aplicaciones Cloud

Joomla: cloud application

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Joomla free with your cloud server

What is Joomla!? All you need to know about this CMSWhat is Joomla!? All you need to know about this CMS

Joomla is the second most widely used Content Management System (CMS) in the world used for creating and maintaining websites of all kinds. From personal blogs to corporate pages or online stores.

Currently, just over 3% of websites are made with Joomla! and it has been downloaded over 100 million times.

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O seu simples Cloud Server para iniciar
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Votre simple serveur cloud pour démarrer
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30 días Gratis 30 days Free 30 dias Grátis 30 jours Gratuit después (máx.)after (max.)depois (máx.)après (max.) 8,50€/mes€/month€/mês€/mois

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  • Provisioning in seconds
  • Up to 5 Cloud servers
  • Up to 32 GB RAM per server (max. €3.5/GB month)
  • Up to 8 vCPUs per server (max. €3.5/vCPU month)
  • Free and unlimited data transfer
  • Connection to servers with private networks
  • HTTP/HTTPS traffic distribution with load balancers
  • Perimeter firewall and secure access via SSL VPN

Joomla! features

Joomla! is a powerful system with more core features installed than other popular CMSs, such as WordPress. Some of its main features are:

  • Expandable with extensions. The functionality of Joomla! can be extended with extensions of all kinds, to create and customise your website according to your needs. From turning it into an online store to creating a forum or a newspaper. There are both free and paid extensions available.
  • Multilingual. Joomla! can be configured and managed in any language.
  • Create applications in PHP. Joomla! is not only a CMS, but also a lightweight framework for creating web applications in PHP.
  • Customise your design thanks to a multitude of visual themes.
  • Manage users and roles within the web. So that designers, content creators and developers can work simultaneously on every aspect of the web without interfering with each other.

Advantages of Joomla!

Joomla! has a number of advantages over other CMSs. For example:

  • Increased base functionality. When newly installed, Joomla! allows for things that other CMSs like WordPress can only do with additional plug-ins. For example, creating contact forms and managing these contacts on the web.
  • Superior security. Joomla! has always had a more robust security track record than other CMSs and is very easy to upgrade in a single click.
  • Wide variety of extensions. Having the second place on the popularity podium, there are extensions for almost all the functionalities that you would want to implement in your website.
  • Visual content management. You can easily create new articles or pages, or modify existing ones, from a visual management area that does not require technical knowledge.

All these advantages make Joomla! one of the preferred management systems for creating professional websites. In fact, it is estimated that almost 10% of company and business websites are created with Joomla!

Technical knowledge needed for managing Joomla!

Joomla! does not require special technical knowledge to manage web content and other basic features like applying ready-made visual themes.

However, as it comes with more core functionality than other CMSs like WordPress, it is somewhat more complex to start with. Similarly, the administration area is visual and intuitive, but has a slightly steeper learning curve, especially if you have no experience in CMS management.

Joomla! is a good choice for any site type, although it is more popular among professional and business sites. With Joomla! you can create the site you want while making it powerful and safe.

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