Cloud Server: simplicity with the latest generation technology

Everything you need to make the leap to the Cloud, with a simple dashboard from which to manage your infrastructure without complications
Try it free for 1 month

Configure your customised Cloud Server

Servidor Cloud Pro Cloud Pro Server Servidor Cloud Pro Serveur Cloud Pro Tu Servidor Cloud sencillo para que puedas
iniciar tu proyecto en la nube.
Your simple Cloud Server to get
your project started in the cloud.
O seu simples Cloud Server para iniciar
o seu projecto na nuvem.
Votre simple serveur cloud pour démarrer
votre projet dans le cloud.
30 días Gratis 30 days Free 30 dias Grátis 30 jours Gratuit después (máx.)after (max.)depois (máx.)après (max.) 8,50€/mes€/month€/mês€/mois

See promotion terms and conditions

  • Up to 5 flexible cloud servers
  • Up to 32 GB RAM per server
  • Up to 8 CPUs per server
  • Public IPv4 IP
  • Perimeter firewall to protect your services
  • HTTP/HTTPS traffic distribution with 1 load balancer
  • Secure access to your servers via 1 VPN SSL
  • Protection against denial of service attacks (DDoS)
Servidor Cloud Avanzado Cloud Advanced Server Servidor Cloud Advanced Serveur Cloud Advanced Servidores cloud y dedicados con características
avanzadas de almacenamiento y red.
Cloud and dedicated servers with advanced
storage and networking features.
Servidores em nuvem e dedicados com funcionalidades
avançadas de armazenamento e rede.
Serveurs en nuage et serveurs dédiés avec fonctions
avancées de stockage et de mise en réseau.
30 días Gratis 30 days Free 30 dias Grátis 30 jours Gratuit después (máx.)after (max.)depois (máx.)après (max.) 11,50€/mes€/month€/mês€/mois

See promotion terms and conditions

  • Flexible, pre-configured and dedicated cloud servers
  • Up to 128 GB RAM per server
  • Up to 24 CPUs per server
  • IPv4 and IPv6 public IP
  • Perimeter firewall to protect your services
  • HTTP/HTTPS traffic distribution with unlimited load balancers
  • Secure access to your servers via unlimited SSL VPNs
  • Denial of Service (DDoS) attack protection
  • Multi-user and API access

Or choose our pre-configured packages

Cloud Avanzado S Cloud Advanced S Cloud Advanced S Cloud Advanced S 30 días Gratis 30 days Free 30 dias Grátis 30 jours Gratuit despuésafterdepoisaprès 15€/mes€/month€/mês€/mois
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 1 vCPU
  • 20 GB SSD
  • 1 IPv4
Cloud Avanzado M Cloud Advanced M Cloud Advanced M Cloud Advanced M 30 días Gratis 30 days Free 30 dias Grátis 30 jours Gratuit despuésafterdepoisaprès 30€/mes€/month€/mês€/mois
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 2 vCPU
  • 40 GB SSD
  • 1 IPv4
Cloud Avanzado L Cloud Advanced L Cloud Advanced L Cloud Advanced L 30 días Gratis 30 days Free 30 dias Grátis 30 jours Gratuit despuésafterdepoisaprès 50€/mes€/month€/mês€/mois
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 4 vCPU
  • 60 GB SSD
  • 1 IPv4
Cloud Avanzado XL Cloud Advanced XL Cloud Advanced XL Cloud Advanced XL 30 días Gratis 30 days Free 30 dias Grátis 30 jours Gratuit despuésafterdepoisaprès 110€/mes€/month€/mês€/mois
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 8 vCPU
  • 100 GB SSD
  • 1 IPv4
Cloud Avanzado 2XL Cloud Advanced 2XL Cloud Advanced 2XL Cloud Advanced 2XL 30 días Gratis 30 days Free 30 dias Grátis 30 jours Gratuit despuésafterdepoisaprès 230€/mes€/month€/mês€/mois
  • 32 GB RAM
  • 16 vCPU
  • 200 GB SSD
  • 1 IPv4
Features Cloud Pro Cloud Advanced
Cloud Servers Up to 5 per panel unlimited
Flexible servers
(Flexible servers are billed for RAM and CPU only when powered on)
Preconfigured servers
(Preconfigured servers reserve resources and are always billed, but are cheaper)
Pre-configured packages
Size Up to 32 GB RAM
Up to 8 vCPUs
Up to 128 GB RAM
Up to 24 vCPUs
Bandwidth Including 400Mbps expandable to 1Gbps Including 400Mbps expandable to 1Gbps
Import servers
Block storage
Shared storage 1 unlimited
Firewall Perimeter firewall up to 3 policies unlimited
Anti-DDoS Protection against volumetric DDoS attacks Protection against volumetric DDoS attacks
Load balancer 1 unlimited
IPv4 / IPv6 Up to 3 additional IPv4 IPv4 / IPv6
Private networks 1
Public networks
SSH Keys
Backup 10GB included for free 10GB included for free
User and Roles
See all the features
¿Qué dicen nuestros clientes?
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Que disent nos clients?
O que dizem os nossos clientes?
GreatBienBomMuy Bueno
3.9 / 5 atchezemen Trustpilot

Cloud Server Features

  • Your cloud server in 30 seconds

    All Arsys Cloud Server options are quick and easy to set up. In less than a minute you will have your Cloud server up and running. From the Servers section, you can configure and modify the processing method, memory, or hard drive associated with the server right away.

  • Unlimited free data transfer

    You don't need to worry about what you are going to use because everything is included with the data transfer, both incoming and outgoing data.

  • The best technology

    Arsys has the most advanced technological infrastructure, allowing us to give the best quality to our clients: high-performance SolidFire, HP and Purestorage storage arrays, VMware virtualisation, F5 Network load balancers and Cisco network electronics.

  • Security

    Protect your projects with strict security measures based on confidentiality, integrity and availability. Our high-performance Data Centres have the most advanced technological infrastructure and comply with all of the security and privacy requirements (ISO 27001, ISO 9001 and GDPR). Their service availability is 99.98%.

  • Availability and redundancy

    All of the components, the infrastructure as well as the network, are completely redundant to prevent service failures and interruptions. If a physical server fails, the Cloud Server will move to another host immediately. Likewise, the data is located in high-availability arrays that prevent data loss if a drive fails.

  • Monitoring of usage in real time

    Track every resource every minute from your platform (CPU, memory, space, usage, etc.) This part has two sub-sections:

    1. Use: Show the consumed resources in detail in Cloud Server for every part of the panel (server, IP address, etc.). You can choose the time frame in regards to the use, whether it’s a few minutes or over a few months.
    2. Invoicing: Show the consumed usage data for the current invoice period by default. You can also check the invoicing information from previous months in more detail than what is shown on the invoice.

Which server should I choose for my project?

  • Cloud Pro use cases

    Cloud Pro Servers are perfect for projects:

    • that require not very large servers
    • that are looking to manage multiple servers from the same panel
    • that need more features than a VPS (such as VPN or additional storage).

    In any case, if you need more resources, just upgrade to the Advanced Cloud.

  • Advanced Cloud use cases

    These Cloud models are specially designed for those projects:

    • that require large servers or dedicated resources
    • that, being complex, need more computational, network or storage resources
    • that are looking for hybrid infrastructures between dedicated servers and cloud
    • that require multi-user access to the dashboard or API management.

Fast and efficient management of your servers in the Cloud

At Arsys we like to simplify as much as possible, and that's why we give you two options for controlling your cloud server:

  • Control panel

    Our Control Panel, specially designed for the task, with your company's needs in mind. The Cloudbuilder control panel is a tool that is accessible via the web. It allows you to independently manage all of your IT infrastructure on the cloud: to manage servers, storage, networks, firewalls, load sharing, backups, monitoring, auto-sizing, consumption and everything you need for your IT services.

  • API

    Cloud Server contains an API which allows the performing of the main actions available from the control panel. The script programming with the actions to be carried out will be performed on the Rest protocol, so that you will be able to use any programming language that supports it.


On the other hand, you also have Plesk: the administration panel for your Cloud Server. Using an administration panel like Plesk is one of the best assets for companies that need to manage their own servers and IT resources, especially when administration is complex and one machine stores more than one web project. With Plesk, you can perform all kinds of common tasks, such as setting up domains, registering FTP or email accounts, etc., as well as managing programming resources such as the installation of languages, databases, etc.

Free Cloud Servers for 30 days

Try our new Cloud Servers absolutely Free right now

You get 30 days free from the moment you contract the service so you can launch your servers and check their performance, functionality and ease of use. No initial payment and no fixed term contract.

After these 30 free trial days, you will start to be charged for the services you are using - it is a pay-per-use model. Payments are made monthly, based on the hours of use of each of the resources.

See promotion terms and conditions

¿Qué piensan nuestros clientes?
What do our customers think?
Que pensent nos clients?
O que pensam os nossos clientes?
GreatBienBomMuy Bueno
3.9 / 5 at Trustpilot sur Trustpilot em Trustpilot en Trustpilot
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  • Lo mejor el trato al cliente.Lo mejor, la atención al cliente. Como están los tiempos de mala educación y analfabetos, se agradece que Arsys sea una excepción. Muy buen trato al cliente.Salvador Villegas22/07/2024
  • Me Parece un Excelente Servicio en…Me Parece un Excelente Servicio en general Susan Mariana22/07/2024
  • El trato humano que brindan a los…El trato humano que brindan a los clientes es excelente. Además, cuentan con algo que cada vez es menos común en las empresas: la atención telefónica. Considero que, dependiendo del tema, la interacción con una máquina puede resultar molesta para el cliente, y ustedes mantienen la valiosa práctica de "hablar" por teléfono.Jordi20/07/2024
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Complete this form and we will call you without obligation. You can also contact us by email.

  • 365 days 24 hours Because we know that your project doesn't have to wait, our experts are always available to help you.
  • In-house Call Center More than 400 people, passionate about technology and with continuous training, dedicated exclusively to solve your doubts and queries.
  • Continuous training We work hard to keep our agents informed of the latest technology to provide you with the highest quality in our responses.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Cloud Servers

  • Can I add additional characteristics to my Cloud Server

    Everything you need for your project. Amongst others, you can enjoy: IPs, security copies, images, shared storage, etc.

  • Do I have root access to my servers?

    Of course. You have complete access to all of your servers in the Cloud. You can manage your server by accessing it with the KVM console.

  • Can I install additional software on my servers?

    Of course you can. Having root access allows you to install whatever you want. At Arsys we offer you a catalogue of applications that you can deploy by default in the installation of your servers.

  • Can I resize my servers in the Cloud?

    With Cloud Servers you can resize your servers right away by accessing your Control Panel at any time.

  • How does the 30 Days Free promotion work?

    Deploy a Cloud Server and use it for free for 30 days. If you want, during these 30 days, you can also deploy a Dedicated Server and up to 3 Cloud Server in your panel.

    After this trial period and having paid one invoice, you can enjoy a panel with no limitations.

  • Does my Cloud Server have an activation cost?

    Activation is free. This gives you access to the administration Control Panel, where you can manage your servers when you wish.

  • When am I billed?

    At the beginning of each month for the Cloud Server rate, we'll send you a single invoice for the resources you used the previous month. The first invoice will be proportional to the remaining period of the month in which you purchased your Cloud Server.

  • How can I pay for my Cloud Server?

    You can pay for your Cloud Server via credit card during the first month. If you prefer, you can change to direct debit later in your Client Area.

    In the case of Cloud Server, you only pay for the resources you use and which you use per minute. What's more, you can control what you use and predict the amount invested at any time. For example, if you have a server switched-off, you will only be billed for the disk space used. Never for RAM or CPU.

  • Do I have complete control over what I will be charged at the end of the month?

    Of course. In the Control Panel, you have access to up-to-date reports regarding your consumption at all times. This means you will have an idea of what remains until the end of the month.

  • Is there a fixed term contract period?

    There is no fixed-term contract period for Cloud Server. You can cancel the service at any time and you will only be charged for what you have used.

  • Can I use Plesk on my servers?

    Yes. Arsys offers Plesk with unlimited domains for an addition fee of 5€/month on Dedicated and Cloud Servers. Plesk provides an easy-to-use web interface that enables you to optimise server management, as well as a large number of administrative tools.

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